Mobile App FAQs
Who should download this app?If your ward studies in Abhinav Education Society’s English Medium School and Junior College Ambegaon(Bk), you should download this app. Please download the CBSE version of the app if your ward is enrolled in CBSE syllabus. We have other versions of this app in the pipeline for other schools of Abhinav Education Society. Your school will inform you accordingly once they are available.
How do I get my Username and Password?The yearly subscription charges for this app are Rs. 200 + 18% GST = Rs.236 . You will be given your Username and Password once you pay for the subscription. The are two ways to get your subscription.
1 From School office:Please pay Rs. 236 by cash at the School office and they will give you a receipt with your Username and Password printed on it. Please try logging into your app before leaving the office to confirm that your account is working.
2 Online:You can pay for the subscription online by going to https://abhinavmis.org/subscribe Search for your ward by name and then select the correct name from the search results. CLick on Pay Now, you will be redirected to a payment gateway where you can pay via Credit/Debit card/Online Banking/Wallet. Please enter your valid email address and phone number while making payment. Your Username and Password will be sent to you on this email address and phone number. Please try logging into the app after receiving the Username and Password. If you encounter any difficulties, please contact School office.
What is the “Beta” button on homepage for?The “Beta” button means that this app is still new and some information seen in the app maybe incorrect. For the first couple of months after the release, we will be dedicating our efforts towards finding and fixing any issues you may face with the app.
What if I see mistakes in my ward’s name, personal details or fee related details?All information in your app, except for (initially) attendance must be correct. If you see any mistake in the information shown inside your app, please contact School office to get it corrected. For attendance, the information will appear grey in all previous months as teachers would not have been updating attendance to the app previously. Also for a couple of months after release, the attendance maybe wrong on some days as the teachers will still be getting used to updating the attendance on app everyday. After that, attendance will be accurate everyday.
What if my ward was sent home early due to illness or any other reason. Will they be marked Present or Absent?Attendance will be marked only once everyday by the Class Teacher. If your ward is present in class at the time of attendance then they will be marked Present.
If my ward is on Medical Leave then will they be marked Present Or Absent?A student will only be marked present if they are in class at the time of attendance. Even if their leave is accepted as medical leave, they will not be shown as present on those days in the app.
How to download and setup Mobile App
For iOS:- Go to the App store and search for AbhinavMIS app (AbhinavCBSEMIS if your ward is enrolled in CBSE syllabus) Or click on <
> from your phone to go to the app page. - Install the app.
- Open the app and enter the username and password that you received on your email when you paid for the yearly subscription. If you paid from the School office in cash, your username and password will also be printed on your receipt. (For security reasons, please change your password after first login)
- Go to the Google Play store and search for AbhinavMIS app (AbhinavCBSEMIS if your ward is enrolled in CBSE syllabus) Or click on SSC :https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abhinavambegaon CBSE : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cbse.abhinavambegaon from your phone to go to the app page.
- Install the app.
- Open the app and enter the username and password that you received on your email when you paid for the yearly subscription. If you paid from the School office in cash, your username and password will also be printed on your receipt. (For security reasons, please change your password after first login)